Doul LED Flasher using timer ic555

super led flahser uisng timer ic 555

In this article we are going to explain and desing doul led flahser using timer IC 555. This circut also explain the uses and working of 555 timer IC. In this circuit we have used RED and green LEDs to show the output of circuit. LED blinks one an after as we power on. Genrally there are so many application of timer ic like Lamp Dimmer, Speed control, Timer switches, vibrater, tone genration and so many.

super led flahser uisng timer ic 555

Dual LED flasher circuit using 555 timer

we need the following coponents to build this super circuit

  • 555 timer IC
  • LED RED and Green or as you want
  • 9V battery
  • 220Ω Resistor – 2
  • 33KΩ Resistor
  • 10µF Capacitor
  • Connecting wires


You can increase and decrease the value of resistor to increase and decrease the speed of blinking. Variable resistor is best if you control the speed of circuit according to your desire.

Circuit Diagram Dual LED flasher

The circuit diagram of flasher circuit using timer IC 555 is very flexible. You should see the 555 properties if you wan to use this timer IC as you want.

555 Timer IC

555 timer ic circuit diagram

It is an integrated circuit easy to purchase and commonly used IC and it is used in various applications. This IC consists of 3 resistors of 5K to generate two comparator. 555 IC is operated as monostable, Biostable. It is used in circuits to produce multivibrator in variety of applications.


555 Timer IC

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