555 LED flasher circuit diagram

555 LED flasher circuit diagram

In this 555 LED flasher circuit total 8 LEDs flashes alternatively with the spacific time interval. We created this circuit with 555 timer ic and few most commonly other componets. We have build this cirucit with out PCB that every one can understand the structure of  flasher very easly. 555 timer IC is used in astable mode that give output continuosly with fluctation between high and low. The circuit remain in working/running untill the Power off.

555 LED flasher circuit diagram

Please watch the video to understand the structor and fashing of thi circuit. The flashing speed can be adjusted by using potiontiometer instead of fix resistor on pin 2 and 3 of timer ic 555. You can also increase and decrease the flashing speed of 555 LED flasher circuit if you change capicitor. You can also incrase and decrease number of LEDs.

Components required:

  1. 555 Timer IC
  2. Capacitor: 220 µF 16v or other
  3. Resistors: 100ohm and 100k ( potintionmeter can be used to adjust the speed of 555 LED flasher circuit diagram
  4. Power Supply: 6V 9v or 12v
  5. Some pices of wire
  6. 2 copper rings to circule the LED structure

555 LED flasher circuit diagram

The circuit diagram of 555 led flahser is given below. We have already discussed that speed of blining/flashing can be adjust by using potiometer or with the chang of capicitor.

555 Timer IC:

555 timer IC is an electronics component most commonly used in electronics and electrical devices. It consists of three 5KΩ resistors that are used to generate two comparator reference voltages. 555 timer ic is operated as monostable, bistable or an astable multivibrator to produce the output in varity of devices.


This is bipolar 8 pins dual in-line IC chip. It consists of 2 diodes, 25 transistors, and 16 resistors arranged to form two comparators, flip-flops, and high current output stage. The complete detail of this is given below in the link.

Datasheet of NE555 timer IC:

Check the NE555 Timer Datasheet.

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